Two places to appreciate the beauty of The Yarra River

Many views can be obtained of the Yarra from the paths alongside the river, however, there are two special spots where one can appreciate the true beauty of the river. One is easy to access, the other involves a little more adventure.

The easy spot is in the northern section of the park.

600m south along the Main Yarra Trail from the carpark is the Artist Trail picture "Near Heidelberg". Next to this an informal path goes off which leads to the river and a great view upstream along it.

On the north side of the river is the Annulus Conservation area and on the other side is the Bolin Bolin parkland. This is about the only section of the lower Yarra where it has River Red Gum forest on both sides of the river.


The second spot is in the southern section of the park, just upstream of the Phillips Fox Billabong.

This involves a steep descent down to river level on a well formed path - take care it can be quite slippery. This leads out onto a rocky outcrop with a small pool upstream of it.

This pool was the "swimming hole" for residents and guests of the nearby Charterisville Estate in the late 1800's. One of the residents was the impressionist painter Walter Withers who painted this scene at this spot.

After the heat of the day. Walter Withers -1891

The scene today shows how the river banks are much steeper - no cow would try to walk down them today.


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